
Research Briefs are short, engaging and accessibly written descriptions of the results of TSAS-funded research projects, focusing on top-level conclusions and policy relevance.

Research Reports are longer, evidence-based, policy-relevant scholarly analyses on topics related to terrorism, security, and society, broadly defined, that touch on Canada, Canadian issues in comparative context, or global issues of interest to a Canadian audience.

Working Papers are scholarly analyses of various lengths that provide analysis based on TSAS-funded research projects. We are no longer accepting submissions for this series.

Working Paper 2014 Title

(Mis)Understanding Muslim Converts in Canada: A Critical Discussion of Muslim Converts in the Contexts of Security and Society

This research seeks to understand the causes and processes of Islamic conversion in Canada through this initial study of Islamic conversion in Ontario. It attempts to contextualize Islamic conversion within Canada’s national security debate. Canadian census data shows that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country, and that although most of the Muslim…

Working Paper 2014 Title

The Effectiveness & Effects of Canada’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams

This paper is part of a larger project that studies the emergence of the idea of integration together with its implications. This paper asks: how has the idea of integration been institutionalized in Canada? What are its implications? Moreover, how should we study the effectiveness and effects of counter-terrorism institutions? The idea of integration in…

Working Paper 2014 Title

Eco-Terrorism and the Corresponding Legislative Efforts to Intervene and Prevent Future Attacks

This study reviews the extent of attacks related to eco-terrorism from 1970 to 2012 to understand the development of this relatively new phenomenon in Canada, Japan and the United States. Furthermore, we conducted legal analysis to identify important legislation related to prevention and intervention of eco-terrorism. Time series analysis was then applied to data to…

Working Paper 2014 Title

Right-wing Extremism in Canada

What factors may promote violent right-wing extremism in Canada, and how is it connected to similar movements in the US and Europe? What impacts might this violence have on radicalization within other communities, and what strategies can security and intelligence organizations employ to detect or reduce violent right-wing extremism? Canada’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy notes that violence…

Working Paper 2014 Title

Between Here and There: Pre- and Post-migration Experiences and Generalized Trust among Recent Immigrants in Canada

This study examines levels and origins of trust among recent immigrants in Canada. Three questions are asked: 1) How much trust do recent immigrants exhibit in comparison to other Canadians? 2) To what extent are immigrants’ levels of trust structured by pre-migration experiences? 3) To what extent are immigrants’ levels of trust structured by their…

Working Paper 2014 Title

Researching Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism through a Network Lens

In this paper, we argue that integrating network concepts and network methods to the study of terrorism and counter-terrorism are central ingredients in bringing the field forward from theoretical, empirical, and policy perspectives. This is not exactly a new idea, although the move to study terrorist networks did not really take off until the events…

Working Paper 2013 Title

Les théories des mouvements sociaux et la dialectique des niveaux: un cadre d’analyse pour l’étude des évolutions d’Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique

Le développement d’Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI) dans l’espace sahélo-saharien est-il le résultat de choix stratégiques du groupe en réponse à des contraintes et opportunités environnementales ou le fruit de dynamiques internes sous-tendant un jeu politique interne multiforme ? La présente étude est une analyse multi-niveau à travers une lecture historique et sociologique du groupe…

Working Paper 2013 Title

Les Dimensions Émotionnelles du Terrorisme

Quel(s) rôle(s) pour les émotions et dynamiques affectuelles dans les processus de radicalisation violente et d’engagement individuel dans le terrorisme ? Par une volonté louable de rompre avec les approches psychologisantes pour ne pas dire pathologisantes du terrorisme qui prévalaient au cours des décennies 1960-70, les recherches contemporaines en matière de terrorisme(s) et de violence(s)…

Working Paper 2013 Title

Le projet de loi antiterroriste canadien: une sélection sécuritaire

Comment les parlementaires canadiens ont-ils défini le problème du terrorisme dans le cadre des débats sur le projet de loi antiterroriste canadien (C-36), qui ont eu lieu du 15 octobre 2001 au 18 décembre 2001? Quels impacts ces différentes constructions discursives ont-elles eus sur les solutions préconisées par les parlementaires et celles adoptées dans le…

Working Paper 2013 Title

C, B, R, or N: The Influence of Related Industry on Terrorists’ Choice in Unconventional Weapons

Which factors, given that a terrorist has crossed the threshold into unconventional over conventional weapons, will determine the likelihood that he/she chooses to use C, B, R, or N weapons? In particular, is it true that the more readily CBRN technology, materials, and knowledge are accessible to terrorists, the more likely terrorists will be to…

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