Where is the Mother?: The Securitization of Mothers in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism


In the search for effective strategies for countering terrorism and violent extremism, there is a growing recognition of the role of women as ‘new security threats’ due to the diverse roles women play in building and sustaining violent extremism – or as ‘new security actors’ providing the state with access to hard-to-reach spaces. This research asks, how is the role of women, often framed by maternal logics, understood in P/CVE programming and what are the effects? Who do women trust the most when seeking support or help in interacting with individuals ‘at risk’ of radicalization? What factors should be considered to ensure that women can intervene safely and meaningfully? In what ways are women (re)negotiating their agency in P/CVE programming? In asking these questions, it presents evidence to help prevent the unintended consequences of even the best-intentioned programs by exploring the perceptions of gender as elements in designing and implementing P/CVE policies.

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Research Area(s):

Security and Counterterrorism

TSAS RB 2023-02

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