Mambo Masinda

Non-Academic Affiliate

Dr. Mambo Masinda has more than 15 years of working experience with newcomer immigrants and refugees, in that time it has become clear to her that the living conditions of immigrant children and youth can play a critical role in preventing or accelerating their radicalization and terrorism engagement. Programs developed to help youth integrate in schools and their communities are creating safe spaces for youth to express, share their views about radicalization and terrorism. Their informal sharing of pre and post migration experiences indicate that pre and post migration vulnerabilities or resilience are critical to the understanding of youth adoption of or resistance to radicalization and terrorism. It has been too common for policymakers and researchers to focus on the so-called home-grown radicalization without looking at the pre-migration conditions youth are arriving from. Dr. Masinda’s focus is on inviting the living of pre-migration to the debate on radicalization and terrorism. More importantly, this approach can help identify pre and post migration coping in vulnerable communities both in home and host countries.

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Research Area(s):

Countering Violent Extremism

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